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About Us

Mission & Vision


Our mission is to empower Ningbonese individuals in Singapore to discover and celebrate their cultural heritage by connecting them with Ningbonese communities around the world. We believe that understanding and embracing one’s cultural roots can foster a sense of belonging, self-identity, and pride.

Through our programs and services, we aim to provide Ningbonese individuals with the resources and support they need to connect with their cultural heritage and build meaningful relationships with other Ningbonese individuals. By fostering a sense of community and belonging, we hope to strengthen the Ningbonese culture and promote unity among Ningbonese people globally.

We are dedicated to supporting the Ningbonese community and working towards a brighter, more connected future for all Ningbonese people.


At Ningpo Guild, our vision is to connect Ningbonese from all walks of life and harness the collective power of our community to build a better tomorrow by fostering a culture of volunteering and philanthropy. We believe that by working together and volunteering our time and resources, we can make a positive impact on the world around us and create a brighter future for all.

We are committed to promoting and preserving our Ningbonese heritage, and fostering a sense of pride and connection among our members. We also strive to create a supportive network that helps our members grow both personally and professionally so that they succeed and thrive in their lives and careers. Through our efforts, we hope to foster a sense of belonging and solidarity among Ningbonese, and to provide opportunities for business growth and career success.

Together, we aim to create a brighter future for all Ningbonese by working together and to inspire and motivate Ningbonese to come together and make a meaningful and lasting impact in our local and global communities, leaving a lasting legacy of hope and prosperity for future generations. We envision a future where Ningbonese people is united and empowered to be a leading force for good and are actively engaged in creating a more compassionate society.

Guild History

Credits: DepositPhotos

About Ningpo

Ningbo, referred to as “Yong” for short, is located on the coast of the East China Sea. During the Spring and Autumn Period, it was the border of Yue State. It was called Mingzhou because of the Siming Mountain in its territory. During the Hongwu period of the Ming Dynasty, it took the meaning of “Haiding Zebo Ning” and changed it to Ningbo, which has been used for six hundred years to this day.

The people are hard-working, intelligent, have the spirit of struggle, and like to develop outwards. Therefore, everyone is in a big city, a remote village, and there are people who have left their footprints. More than a hundred years ago, people from Yongzhou followed the ancestors of Fujian and Guangdong to come to the south to make a living, either in industry or in business, in various industries.

1930s & Founders

From the mid-1930s, in view of the fact that more and more people from Yongzhou came to the south, frequent personnel exchanges, various industrial and commercial activities gradually flourished, and social relations became wider. At that time, the forward-thinking ancestors such as Chen Laichang, Yu Baosen, Chai Wenji, Dong Nengrong, Le Aru, Feng Boxiang, Zhu Yewei, Wang Gujian, Qiu Xichou, Chen Xinfang, Wang Xiangxian, Hu Jialie, Li Xianben, Zheng Bingxie, Dai Nanchang, Xiangxian Shao Runfu, etc. I believe that if there is no group organization, it is not enough to contact the villagers and communicate with each other, so as to achieve the benefits of mutual assistance and mutual benefit. I love this idea of an organized hometown association. Later, it was finalized at the Shaw’s birthday party. Immediately afterward, fellow villagers responded enthusiastically and supported it. With the help of the elders who contributed money and enthusiastic sponsorship, the Singapore Ningbo Association was finally announced to be established. It’s the summer of 1937.

The founders of the Guild in Singapore

Clubhouse @ Upper Cross Street

At that time, the clubhouse was located on the second floor of No. 23 Haishan Street, Dapo, and the first honorary president was Chen Laichang. The first chairman is Sir Run Run Shaw, who is now a well-known Chinese and foreign film industry tycoon. The manager Chen Xinfang, the financial manager Wang Xiangxian, and more than 400 members. At the beginning of the establishment, the affairs of the conference have been advancing steadily. All the directors can cooperate sincerely, leading the villagers to help each other, and various developments have achieved considerable results.

Late 1930s and New Clubhouse

The second chairman Wang Xiangxian, the manager Dai Nanchang, and the treasurer Chen Xinfang. In order to expand various organizations and strengthen unity, only finding a new clubhouse can be effective. In the autumn of 1939, it was moved to No. 228, Lilu House, Libabali. After a little rectification and repairs, the affairs of the conference started quickly, and various activities were actively pushed forward. When he was promoted to the Board of Directors of the Third World, Fang Qi made great strides forward. As expected, World War II broke out, the Japanese invaded the South, Xingma fell, members dispersed, the meeting was suspended, and all cultural and historical materials disappeared. Looking back In the past, it is so embarrassing!

Credits: @genibee on Flickr

1960s: Post-War Recovery & Official Society Registration

After the peace, Tongren and others have repeatedly discussed revival of the meeting, but in view of the different situation in the past and present, Ningbo was originally a member of the Sanjiang Guild, and serving the Sanjiang Guild Hall can also lead our Ningbo people to unite with each other. The Sanjiang Fellowship is our responsibility, and the name is always the name of the Ningbo Fellowship Association, not an individual name. This kind of service spirit of clinker is really inappropriate because it is not registered under the Societies Re-registration Act. In order to be justifiable and sound, the revival of the conference affairs is urgent. In 1966, the sages of Wang Xiangxian raised their arms, and the township sages arrived, and they were registered together. Accountants Yu Hongyao, Wang Nanqiang, and Chen Junchu were appointed to complete the registration. In the autumn of 1967, they were officially approved for filing. It was 30 years from the establishment of the Association to Fuxing. and hereby.

Late 1960s & Philanthropy

In the spring of 1968, the board of directors was established. The first chairman of Fuxing Hu Jialie, deputy Qiu Xichou, Shao Weiming, manager Miao Junkang, deputy Chen Junchu, financial manager Cui Juechen, and deputy Chen Xinfang, temporarily rented a room in the Sanjiang Club as a temporary office. Hu Jialie was the first to donate a huge sum of money. Immediately received enthusiastic response from all the sages in the village, the foundation was laid, and the conference affairs work of each unit was strengthened, and all efforts were made to plan and promote it.

Description about donation

Late 1960s: A Final Home

Later, for the wish of owning a clubhouse, on June 9, 1968, the first joint monthly meeting of directors and supervisors of Fuxing was held to establish a “nine-person real estate subcommittee”, which was responsible for finding suitable real estate or buildings as permanent clubhouses. It was approved at the special general meeting on July 7, 1968. After several rounds, finally in mid-January 1969, Qiu Xichou, the deputy director of the real estate group, found a house located in No. 43 Weijilu for 23,000 yuan. The transaction of 1,000 yuan is the first club.

Settling Into Wilkie In The Early 1970s

The second session of the board of directors of Fuxing was changed to Chen Xinfang as the deputy finance minister, and Dai Zixiang, two townspeople, and the rest remained unchanged. At that time, He Huizhong, a township person, was supervising the decoration project, and the public bidding was held. Qunli Construction Engineering Company paid 30,000 It won the bid of 1,100 yuan, and after some decoration and whitewashing, it has a new look. Under the leadership of the seniors, the new clubhouse of the Singapore Ningbo Association was finally completed with the concerted efforts of directors, supervisors and township heads. On March 28, 1971, Tan Sri Shao Renmei was invited to preside over the opening ceremony.

Forging Ahead

So far, the Ningbo Hometown Association can gradually embark on the road of prosperity with the self-purchase association. With the tireless efforts and cooperation of all colleagues, it will become a solid force, and then serve the society and the country. Time flies. The Ningbo Association was established in 1937. It was suspended for 30 years due to the Second World War. It was revived in 1967. It has been 77 years. I hope that Ningbo people will unite and continue to carry forward the behest of our ancestors. The spirit of mutual assistance and reciprocity is what we look forward to!

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